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Wireless business surveillance systems are great for businesses and companies with a minimal need for security cameras. They usually come in two options: battery or solar-powered wire-free and conventional wireless business surveillance systems. Data transmission happens wirelessly for both options, but the power source is where the two differ.

Battery or solar-powered wireless business surveillance systems are powered like the name suggests – by batteries or solar panels. These cameras are extremely portable and easy to install.

Conventional wireless security cameras must be plugged in for power, but data transmission happens wirelessly.

However, just like their wired counterparts, wireless business surveillance systems also have their share of pros and cons.

Pros of Wireless Business Surveillance Systems

Wireless business surveillance systems offer many benefits.

You Can’t Cut Wires That Aren’t There

What does breaking into an establishment with a fully wired surveillance system take? Sometimes just a pair of wire cutters is all they need. Criminals can turn off sophisticated wired surveillance cameras by messing with the outer telephone and power cables.

However, wireless business surveillance systems, as the name implies, aren’t vulnerable to cable attacks. Several wireless systems are also built to run on their power for a long time. This means that no matter how many wire cutters they have, criminals can’t disable this kind of surveillance system.

These Systems Can Be Placed Anywhere

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There isn’t much difference between a wire and a tether when restricting surveillance locations. Using wires makes businesses put cameras where cables can reach, even if there are better spots for surveillance. Wireless cameras let you choose where to put them based on your needs and preferences.

Secure Recorded Footage

If your wired surveillance system records its footage to an onsite backup, there’s little preventing wrongdoers from stealing from your place and either taking or destroying the recordings as a bonus. Wireless business surveillance systems that store data directly in the cloud are entirely secure from anyone who might wish for it to vanish.

So, no matter the actions of an intruder, you’ll always be able to view the surveillance footage. As for the digital information itself, wireless business surveillance systems use advanced encryption methods, keeping your video feed protected from cyber-criminals and regular ones.

Easily Accessible From Anywhere

Regarding accessibility, wireless business surveillance systems allow you to check your camera feeds anytime, anywhere in the world. Do you want to take a vacation and ensure your business is supported? Just bring your smartphone, and you won’t need to be concerned about staying informed about what’s going on at your facility.

They Are Cost Effective

It’s incredible how many businesses install surveillance systems to deter criminals but gets robbed by the installation cost. Getting a wired surveillance system can be a huge undertaking and may even damage your property (those wires, cables, and security components must go somewhere).

With wireless business surveillance systems, you won’t need to spend much money on a technician to make holes in your walls. Instead, the money goes where it should: toward the equipment and the service. That means less money is spent on the system and more on the system to protect.

Cons Of Wireless Business Surveillance Systems

Interference from Outside Sources

By sending data through Wi-Fi, interference from nearby devices can affect a camera’s performance and potentially be hacked.

Relies on Wi-Fi Signal

Wireless business surveillance systems are also cost-effective.

Battery or solar-powered cameras rely on external power. But with a conventional wireless system, power is necessary. Wireless options require a Wi-Fi signal to operate properly. The cameras must be installed within the Wi-Fi range, or extenders could be used to boost Wi-Fi performance.


With a battery-powered camera, batteries must be charged or replaced frequently. Cameras can go down if batteries are not replaced, and the overall system can be compromised. For a conventional wireless camera, maintenance is similar to that of a wired camera but with fewer hardware components to check.

How Do Wireless Business Surveillance Systems Work?

In wireless business surveillance systems, the term “wireless” can mean cameras powered by batteries or those needing a power source. Their Wi-Fi connection makes them wireless. When on, the cameras can transmit video and audio to your phone or cloud storage.

Cameras that work wirelessly on batteries are sometimes called “wire-free” to differentiate them from cameras that need to be connected. The batteries usually last for three to six months, and the mobile app will often notify you when they’re running low.

To conserve battery, many wireless cameras have motion detectors. These cameras activate and start recording upon sensing movement around your property, staying inactive until required.

Wireless plugged cameras don’t require motion-sensor technology, so your video stream can constantly be monitored.

What To Look For In Wireless Business Surveillance Systems

Wireless business surveillance systems come with a variety of features. Here are a few things to consider when evaluating different systems, including:


Internet protocol or IP cameras typically are more powerful than analog cameras, providing footage between 1 and 5 megapixels. Analog cameras produce less clear images, at about one-half of a megapixel. It’s important to consider how clear footage your business will require.

Video Analytics

Wireless business surveillance systems can help keep your property safe and secure.

Some cameras allow mobile notifications and automatic recording when they sense movement. These cameras can be configured to flag certain events and message users’ cell phones.

Frame rate: Another thing to consider is frame rate, which is how many frames per second are taken. The higher the frame rate, the less choppy and smoother the video.


Finally, it’s important to consider a camera’s lighting capabilities. Many models have low-light infrared, which lets them capture clear shots in darkness. To do this, the cameras use infrared LED lights. The more LED lights it has, the better its capability of shooting at night. In industries like public safety, this lighting is imperative.

What To Know Before You Choose Wireless Business Surveillance Systems

Before looking for wireless business surveillance systems to keep your office safe, knowing which parts of your office layout you want to watch and why is important.

Your particular security requirements will help you decide what equipment and software to search for.

Different cameras have different capabilities regarding how much area they can capture. Certain cameras offer a 360-degree view, while others have a narrower visual range. Some cameras can zoom automatically or manually, while others maintain their original focus. There are cameras with a high frame rate to capture fast-moving things like cars, and others can’t. Your requirements will be based on your office’s specific demands.

For outdoor camera placement, you’ll need ones that can handle moisture and temperature changes without damage. And if you want to monitor your surveillance at night, you should look for cameras incorporating infrared technology.

As you select your wireless business surveillance systems, you must consider your growth plans. If you scale your business up to include more entrances, buildings, or areas that need to be surveilled soon, you should invest in a system that can quickly scale up to handle those increased demands. That way, you will only partially have to overhaul your security system amid that planned growth.

Keep in mind having security measures in place is essential. All your staff needs to know that office safety matters and that everyone plays a part in maintaining a secure environment.